
Harneys Fiduciary have designed a sophisticated e-training course to assist in navigating your AML obligations in the Cayman Islands easily and effectively. This training is regularly updated to ensure that it covers any new legislative and regulatory developments, internationally and locally.

Cayman AML

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Course features

  • Fee: US$275
  • Type: eLearn and Quiz
  • Duration: 60 minutes
  • Certificate: A formal certificate of completion will be available for download and stored in our database for record keeping and refresher course reminder purposes.

Course modules

  1. International standards
  2. Cayman Islands AML / CFT / CPF/ TFS regime
  3. Managing risk: Risk-based approach, CDD, and risk assessments
  4. Ongoing compliance obligations
  5. Corporate governance: Compliance matters
  6. What's new in the legislation?
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There is a 10 question quiz assessment with an 80% pass rate to be completed at the end of the eLearn. 
Course overview
Compliance with the anti-money laundering regime in the Cayman Islands is a key objective for financial service providers (FSPs) conducting relevant financial business.

As part of this compliance, the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) require that all employees of FSPs undertake AML, Countering against Proliferation and Terrorist Financing, and Sanctions training annually in order to stay abreast of their AML obligations in the Cayman Islands and to avoid any enforceable penalties for non-compliance.

Please note this course will soon be available translated in Simplified Chinese. 
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